Oct. 24, 2022

The "Explorers" of the Hollow Earth | 306


Pole Holes! The hard-to-find holes of Mother Earth that so many men in history have yearned to go exploring in... It sounds dirty, but alas it is more crazy than anything else. From Edmond Halley of the comet fame to Captain John Cleves Symmes Jr, men throughout history have had theories on what was in the earth and how to get there. In Fact, Symmes came up with the Symmes Theory of Concentric Spheres and lobbied hard for the U.S. government to send men to the poles to prove (debunk) his theory. We talk all that this week, plus Kentucky comes a calling, Nazis make their stupid appearance because we are talking woo-woo topics so of course they do, and Conspiracy Bot let’s us all know what REALLY happened to Queen Elizabeth. All that and more this week on the podcast that isn’t hosted by pole experts, but we will take a look, Hysteria 51!

Special thanks to this week’s sources:

Books / Papers / Journals
-Wallace, I. (2021, March 20). The Square Pegs: Some Americans Who Dared to Be Different. Crossroad Press.
-Gardner, M. B. (2016, August 28). A Journey to the Earth’s Interior; or, Have the Poles Really Been Discovered. Wentworth Press.
-Reed, W. (2016, January 25). The Phantom of the Poles, pp.1-282. Leopold Classic Library.
-McBride, J., & Symmes, J. C. (2021b, April 20). Symmes’S Theory Of Concentric Spheres: Demonstrating That The Earth Is Hollow, Habitable Within, And Widely Open About The Poles. Alpha Edition.
- Douglas, G. (2017, July 4). Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s Missing Diary: A Flight To The Land Beyond The North Pole Into The Hollow Earth. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
- The Cellular Cosmogony, Or, The Earth, A Concave Sphere. (2018, October 15). Franklin Classics.

Paul, C. (2021, January 5). Famous Graves - John C. Symmes - Hollow Earth Theory Proponent [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c938gcKtlbg+&feature=youtu.be
Amiel, Jon (Director). (2003, March 28). The Core. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0298814/

John Cleves Symmes Jr. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Cleves_Symmes_Jr.
Wired - https://www.wired.com/2014/10/fantastically-wrong-journey-to-the-center-of-the-earth/
Wired - https://www.wired.com/2014/07/fantastically-wrong-hollow-earth/
Library of Congress - https://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/SciRefGuides/hollowearth.html
Northern Kentucky Tribune - https://www.nkytribune.com/2021/02/our-rich-history-the-earths-not-flat-its-hollow-the-other-john-cleves-symmes/

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